01/27/2025 KVIKS News Bulletin


Good Morning Vikings! This is your K-V-I-K-S News Bulletin for Monday, January 27th, 2025. My name is Jace. The periods today are 2, STARS, 4, and 6.




Senior Song Practice (1/22/25-1/27/25)

ATTENTION SENIORS! Song practice begins TODAY! Please report directly to the pool after period 2 ends. Song practices are during morning recess & STARS. Look for the tape that will be plastered on the bleachers with your name written on top, and sit in your assigned seats as attendance is mandatory and will be taken. Lastly, if you have a modified schedule, you are still expected to attend. DO NOT BE LATE! 


Pacific STEP-UP Program (1/24/25-1/27/25)

Hey, Juniors and Seniors. Are you interested in scientific research? Would you like to take your scientific inquiry to the next level with the help of experienced researchers and mentors at the University of Hawaii? If yes, you should consider applying for the Pacific STEP-UP 2025 Summer Program. The program coordinator Rachael Kadler will be here at Hilo High on Monday, January 27th @ 8:30am during pd 2. If you would like to learn more about the program, and talk with her about your application, please come to N-103 to sign up and pick up a pass. Your involvement in Pacific STEP-UP could enhance your college and scholarship applications for the future! Hope you can join us on Monday!




Girls Water Polo  (1/21/25-2/7/25)

Preseason Training begins TODAY, January 27th at Hilo High Pool from 5:15-6:45 pm! This is a great opportunity to receive a soft intro to the sport & meet some of the coaches and players before the season officially begins on February 10th! No obligations and no experience necessary!


Track and Field (1/24/25-1/28/25)

Conditioning will begin TOMORROW, January 28, 2025 at 3:30pm at the pool bleachers. If you have any questions please contact Coach Bill or the Athletic Office.




Math Team Meet and Practices (1/27/24-1/29/25)

Attention Math Team members! The next meet is this Saturday, February 1st, right here at Hilo High, starting at 9am. Be here by 8:45am. Also, Mr. Young will be available Tuesday and Thursday after school for practice. Please respond to Mr. Young's email whether or not you will be able to attend the meet. Math RULES!!!


Valentines Day Sale (1/24/25-1/31/25)

FEBRUARY is just around the corner, so you know what that means: Valentine's Day is almost here! If you want to get a gift for your friends or that special someone, Student Association has you covered with their VALENTINES DAY SALE! The sale will take place from MONDAY, January 27 to FRIDAY, January 31st in front of room C-127, Mr. Peralta’s class during lunch. The items for sale and prices are on the screen now. You can either pick up your purchased items on Valentine's Day OR have them delivered to a class for one extra dollar. Remember to stop by room C-127 if you would like to purchase any items this Valentine’s Day!




PALC Variety Show (1/15/2025 - 1/31/2025)

Interested in showing off your talents? Sign up for PALC’S Variety Show! Please use the QR code on the bottom left corner of the screen to apply. Deadline to apply is February 7th, 2025.




Here is today’s menu: 

For Wiki: French toast sticks and fresh fruit

For Lunch: Cheese pizza with celery sticks, fresh fruit, and edamame

Thanks for watching! Find more announcements and watch the bulletin again at hilohigh.org or download the mobile app. Follow @HiloHighSchool on Instagram, Threads, and Facebook to see more of our content. This concludes today's announcements, have a great day Vikings!
