11/15/2018 KVIKS Bulletin


Library Delinquent List
The latest orange Library Delinquent List is posted at the library window and in most classrooms. Students listed should contact the Librarian as soon as possible to work out an easy plan to clear their obligations, so that they will be able to enjoy the Winter Ball, Prom, Military Ball, and Graduation. Please don't delay clearing your library obligations when it's so easy and quick to do! As long as you BEGIN to clear, you'll be in good standing, so why wait and miss out! Thank you from the Library!

ASVAB Testing
The second of 4 ASVAB Tests will be administered on Tuesday, December 4th. See Ms. Taniguchi in B35 to sign up. There is only 30 spots available so don't wait.

HERO Points for Food Drive - November 13-16
Hey, Vikings! It's the time of year when we are reminded to give thanks for what we have, and to give what we can to those in need. Please bring in your canned good donations to A-1 during 1st recess and lunch recess throughout the week of November 13-16. National Honor Society members will be collecting your donations, and issuing 2 HERO points for every can or food item donated. All donations will be given to the Hawaii Island Food Basket on November 16. Let's give from the heart, Vikings!

Meeting for fundraising
Hey World Travelers! If you are going on the trip to England in March there will be an informational meeting in Mrs. Pratt's room R11 on Friday November 16 at lunch to discuss fundraising and travel details. See you then!

Here is today’s menu. For wiki it’s:Breakfast Smoothie & Cin.Toast or Pancake & Cantaloupe with Apple Wedges

Lunch: Lunch is CHICKEN TENDERS with STEAMED RICE and PICKLED CABBAGE with Cantaloupe and Broccoli/Carrots Mix
