11/26/2018 KVIKS Bulletin


2019 Cap and Gown Order Deadline
Aloha Seniors! The final day to submit your order for your cap and gown is on December 1, 2018. After that date, all future orders will include a $20 late fee. You may order online at balfour.com or mail in the order form. See Mrs. Arbles if you have any questions.

Are you hungry for Aunty Peaches `Onolicious Poi Balls?
If your answer is yes, then you are in luck. The students of our Hilo High Hula Class are selling tickets to get your `ono Poi Balls. The pickup is on Dec 1st at the cafeteria between 9-11am. Each ticket is $8 and will get you a box of a dozen poi balls. Hurry and get a ticket before we run out. See a hula class member or Kumu `Awa. Mahalo.

2019 Boys/Girls Judo Sign-Up Meeting
Anyone interested in signing up and joining the Hilo High Boys/Girls Judo Team... A sign-up meeting will be held on November 28, 2018 at 1:30PM in the Pool Bleacher area. Come sign up and meet the coaches!

Here is today’s menu. For wiki it’s:Pancake Wrap or Cereal & Toast with Sliced Peaches and Dried Cranberries

Lunch is: BEEF STEW with STEAMED RICE with a WG ROLL and HouseSalad/BabyCarrots with Fruit Cocktail
