Handbook » Student Activities

Student Activities

The Hawaii State DOE states, “Student activities” or “Co-curricular activities” are integral to an education, providing opportunities for all students that support and extend academic learning. Student activities include a variety of events to meet the needs & interest of all students in school, such as athletics, intramurals, committees, assemblies, interest & honorary clubs, student councils, leadership experiences, school & community service projects, dances, proms, academic competitions, spirit activities and dress-up days. With a variety of activities, the student activities program creates opportunities for each student to find meaning in his/her school experience.
Student activities at Hilo High School helps to develop well-rounded individuals who exhibit the general learner outcomes and make a difference in our school and community.

Eligibility for Participation


The Board of Education is committed to the promotion of high academic achievement. Students participating in co-curricular activities must have at least an overall 2.0 grade point average (GPA) and be passing in courses required for graduation. “Participating,” as used in this policy, does not include participation in rehearsals, practices, or tryouts. Activities which are essential and integral in any particular course are not affected by the policy.

CHAPTER 57 Restitution for Damaged and Lost Books, Equipment, Supplies, and Outstanding Financial    Obligations:  The term “financial obligations” as used in Policy 4540 paragraph b, includes, but is not limited to, the cost of individually assigned textbooks or borrowed library books and materials that are lost by the student, and restitution agreements between the student / parent and the school for vandalism or negligence pursuant to subchapter 7, Chapter 8-19, Hawaii Administrative Rules.

§8-57-3 Fees and charges for lost books, equipment and supplies. A student found to be responsible for the loss, destruction, breakage, or damage of school books, equipment, and supplies, including library and assigned textbooks, shall make restitution to the school.

[Eff 10/5/2000] (Auth: §§302A-1112, 302A-1130) (Imp: §302A-1130)
Obligations for lost and damaged textbooks, library books, equipment and supplies shall be based on the replacement cost of the item, and shall be paid by the last day of the school year in which the financial obligation was incurred.

§8-57-5 Penalties for outstanding financial obligations.

In addition to any other penalties that may be imposed, a student who fails to make restitution as required under section 8-57-4 shall be prohibited from participating in any student activity.

[Eff 10/5/2000] (Auth: §§302A-1112, 302A-1130) (Imp: §302A-1130)

Mandatory fees (student association & class dues), fundraiser items or monies lost or damaged textbooks, and library books are considered financial obligations.  If student does not clear their financial obligations before participation in a student activity (athletic, student government, clubs, banquets, dances, proms, May Day, & other celebrations) the student will not be allowed to participate.

Annual Student Fee options:

Option 1. Mandatory Fees = $18 - [Student Activities-$10, Class Dues-$8]

Option 2. Annual Package Option = $25 - [Mandatory Fees plus discounted Athletic Card-$7 (Only available if paid at the same time as mandatory fees.)]


Other Fees:

Other 1. (Post Fee Payment) Athletic card - $25

Note:  Students may not buy the Athletic Card without paying their annual mandatory fees.

Other 2. Yearbook - $45, $50 for late orders

Other 3. Club dues – varies per club

Student Association dues are used to finance all of the school-wide activities such as Welcome Back Assembly, Winter Rally, Homecoming Week, Spirit Week, Christmas Activity, Talent show, weekly lunch-time rallies, Student Association Leadership Training, service projects etc.  

Class Dues are used to offset costs for class activities such as proms, class rallies, commencement, class days, and other class activities.

A major and costly event in the senior year is the Commencement Exercises.  The commencement exercises may be scheduled any time after the last day of school for seniors.  The last day for seniors shall be set by the Dept. of Education.  Students shall be permitted to participate in commencement exercises if they:

  1. meet the requirements for a diploma or a certificate
  2. fulfilled their financial obligations
  3. meet other conditions, established by the Dept. of Education which meet the standards of  clarity, reasonableness and justifiability. (Policy 4540)

Student Government

The School Government is run by the Student Association, which has an executive board that consists of a President, 2 Vice Presidents, 2 Secretaries, a Treasurer and a ten member Leadership Team made up of students from various groups on campus.  All classes have executive officers as well.  Each class is allowed up to eight class representatives and a representative from each of the STARS classes.  The S.A. Council meets on Tuesdays and the Class Councils meet on Thursdays during lunch recesses.

The Hilo High School Student Association fosters understanding among students, faculty, and administration, represents the student body at all times, promotes school spirit and promotes the general welfare of the school.  Every regular registered student of Hilo High School taking four (4) or more units of work shall be a member of this association upon payment of Student Association dues.

Sponsored Clubs

Note: The number and kinds of clubs may vary from year to year depending upon student interest and chartering procedures.  Students of similar interest may form a club following the chartering procedures.

Click here to visit all club pages on our website.